Strategic Planning Project
The Enterprise Center
October 2022
Submission deadline: October 17, 2022
The Enterprise Center unites people, organizations, and technology to build an advanced and inclusive future for our community. Located in Chattanooga Tennessee, The Enterprise Center seeks to hire a consultant to help us with bigger picture strategic planning that will guide our work for the next three years.
Our organization currently works in the following spaces:
- Digital Equity (local, regional, and statewide programs) – these programs represent a large percentage of our staffing, budget, and programming.
- Ed Connect – a program that provides no-cost home internet to students in Hamilton County Schools who qualify. We have connected over 16,000 students (and are working on connecting approximately 17,000 more).
- Workforce Development – focus on helping folks move into positions with a livable wage through skills based training that eliminates barriers to access.
- ChattaMatters – civic storytelling via video, newsletters, social media.
- Innovation District – bring together doers, thinkers, and creators in an effort to build opportunities and to energize downtown Chattanooga
- Floor Five of The Edney – a multi-purpose, free, public event space where more than 150 gatherings take place each month, hosted by a wide range of organizations and community members.
- Chattanooga Smart Community Collaborative – the collaborative is a group of the region’s major institutions who work together to identify challenges in our community and to create innovative solutions.
Online assets and sites:
- TEC (@theenterprisectr) — FB, Insta, Linkedin, Twitter
- TGH (@techgoeshometn) — FB, Insta, Twitter
- Chattamatters (@chattamatters) — FB, Insta, Linkedin, Twitter
- Innovation District (@innovationdistrictcha ; @cha.innovate) — FB, Insta
Letter of Interest* should Include:
- Explanation of the organization’s (or consultant’s) connection with and experience supporting programs in the digital equity space
- Project Overview – a draft plan of how you might address this project
- Budget – within established range of $5,000 to $10,000 (cost to inclusive all expenses – including travel)**
- Description of consultant’s organization
- List of team member(s) who would be involved and their bios
- Proposed timeline for delivery of the Strategic Plan: February 2023
- Two or three references from organizations you have supported – with an email and phone listed
*Letter, Video, or Slide Deck are all acceptable submissions.
**Lowest price is not the only criteria for the decision.
**The consultant is expected to be onsite during at least part of the planning process.
Selection Process: Please send letters of interest to with the subject line “Strategic Planning Proposal”. The Enterprise Center Board’s Executive Committee and the team’s program managers as well as the CEO and COO will review all submissions and together will select the successful submission. Decisions will be made and all applicants notified by October 25, 2022.