Holiday Cheer: Cultivating community in the Innovation District

Here in the Innovation District, our mission is to ensure Chattanoogans have the necessary tools to succeed. (Specifically, our work revolves around eliminating barriers to access in the entrepreneurial and […]
Improv Chattanooga Open House

Improv Chattanooga is thrilled to announce the next installment of our monthly Improv Open House! Come hang out with our Main Troupe actors, Students and anyone else that shows up […]
Chattanooga Local Folks Night

A community event for local folks to raise awareness about youth development and violence prevention. Book Signing by New Orleans author Tareen. Custom Nola Cocktails.
Chattanewbies November Networking Mixer

Join ChattaNewbies at Wanderlinger Brewing Co. for a night of food, fellowship, and fun! Enjoy some of the best beer Chattanooga has to offer while networking with fellow newbies. Don’t […]
FREE LEGAL SEMINAR for Landlords (Housing Provider Monthly Roundtable : Landlord & Tenant Law)
Housing Provider Monthly Roundtable : Landlord & Tenant Law FREE LEGAL SEMINAR FOR LANDLORDS – Sponsored by the City of Chattanooga’s Office of Homelessness & Supportive Housing, the Housing Provider Monthly […]